To Be Selected
Koeurn Sreynet is 14 years old. She is a grade 8 at Donduong Secondary School, and she lives in Donduong village, Balang Commune, Baray District and Kampong Thom Province.
Koeurn Sreynet lives with grandfather, grandmother. Sreynet’s parents were died all since she was a little child. She was every difficult to lives every day with this family, but she is really loves her schooling. This family has owning one hectare of farmland. The family is able to collect 15 sacks of rice per year which is just enough to provide this family with food for a year. The farming season is over, Sreynet’s grandfather and grandmother work as picker of corns hired of cutting of rice and sometime them construction worker in her village for money, they get around 20000riels from their work, but it is not every day.
Sreynet’s family is very poor. Her grandparents cannot support her enough money when she needs for studies part-time or public school. She gets only 1000riels for a day. She always goes to school on food every day. She really wants to studies until grade twelve and she responsible to help her grandparents with housework before go to school and after school every day.
When she grow up Sreynet wants to be a doctor because she thinks that she can treat her family, when they are get sick and she can help people when they illness in her community and she will get money to support her family.
Date Posted: December 2018