To Be Selected
Koeus Sok An is 15 years old, student in 8th grade at Angk Daun Pis Village Learning Center (#550), located in Angk Daun Pis Village, Toeuk La-ak Commune, Korng Pisey District, Kampong Speu province.
Sok An has 6 siblings all girls and she is the youngest child in the family. Her father name: Tuy Thy, 51 years old, a farmer, her mother name: Por Sokhom, 46 years old, sick (Leukemia disease), she is lying in bed cannot do anything; the family has no ability to treat her any more. They have one hectare of farmland where they can produce rice around 2,500 – 3,000 kg per year, her father divided some part of rice products of 2,000 kg to sell for $600 to pay back to the farm equipment store and to support the family including school supplies for the children and the medicine for her mother too. Out of farm work, her father stay home to take care of her mother, he does not have time to find other job for extra income because the daughters still young and have to go school; they can help him only after school time.
Every day, An rides her bicycle to school about 5 km round-trip. Her study is not so good but she has never missed school, and tries to study very hard. After school, she has to hurry come back home to help her father housework, helps to take care of her mother.
In the future, she wants to be a nurse, she hopes this career can help many people out of diseases and also she wants to make more money to support her big family to live in a better life.
Date posted: November 2018