Konthear Sreyneang

Konthear Sreyneang is 11 years old, a student in 3rd grade at The Ascham School community, in Poutaing village, Romney commune, Senmonorom district, Mondulkiri province.
There are ten members in her family, parents, two sisters and six brothers, she is the fifth child in the family. Her parents are a farmer who owns two hectare of farmland. A part of the land they grow the cashew trees which they can earn $400 per year. And the rest part they are growing bananas and vegetables that can gather the cycle yield and sell, from those bananas and vegetables they can earn about 10,000 riels by day. All the above income are not enough to support the family daily need. They are very hard to find extra work to earn more money to support their children study. Because only the work in their farm are starting from early morning to late evening.
Sreyneang works hard in school, and continues her hard work when she gets home by helping her mother with housework and taking care her young sibling.
In the future, Sreyneang wants to be a teacher, she hope can share her knowledge with the kids in her village.
Updated: June 2018