Lat Kolab

Lat Kolab is 13 years old who is studying grade at Grace, Hope, Beloved school, where is located in Boeng Veng village, Tangkrasang commune, Batheay district and Kampong Cham province.
Kolab was born in Phnom Vihea village, Tangkrasang commune, Batheay district and Kampong Cham province. She has five siblings, all her siblings are female and she is the oldest child in the family. Her father’s name is Heurn Salath and her mother’s name is Em Sary. Her parents are farmer and they have land about 5000 m2 for growing rice. Her mother said that she collects rice about 600 kilograms every year and they are keeping for daily eating. In addition, her father caught fish or nail near her house in order to sell. He can earn about 4 dollars per day from selling it so he can support other expenses in his family. However, he can earn only 3 dollars per day sometimes. In contrast, her mother cannot find other jobs besides farming since she has the young children to take care of. So, the income is not enough to support all the expenses in the family.
Lat Kolab is a good student and she tries to study hard. The distant from her home to school is about 1.5 kilometers. Even the far from her house but she goes to school everyday and she always help her mother to do house work and look after her siblings.
In the future, Kolab wants to be a Primary School teacher in the future because she love studying and teaching so much. Additionally, she also wants to own her grocery business in her village
Date posted: June 2018