To Be Selected
Lea Srey Mey is 14 years old, a student in 8th grade at The Yoon Soon Jung School, located in Toulsdey village, Toulsdey comunune, Chantrea district and Svay Rieng province.
Lea Srey Mey has three siblings, two younger sisters and her. She is the first child in the family. Her parents were divorced. She did not mention about her mother. However, not so long after divorced, her father has a new wife and Mey is staying with her father and her stepmother. Her life is very difficult to live with the stepmother but at least she still has her father. The family is feeding three cows and has a small farmland to grow rice to eat. Beside the work in rice field her father has to get another job as the house builder to build the villager house and get some small earn in a working day. Not all the incomes that her father can earn during a month are enough to support the family needs. Most of the times, Mey went school without any breakfast, she said that she is very hungry after the long 3 km walk to school every morning. However, she has tried her best to keep her regular attendance at school, even before and after school, she has a lot of work at home to help her stepmother to do.
In the future, she wants to be a teacher, she hopes that education can help leapfrog out of poverty.
Updated: May 2018