Leab Huyleang

Leab Huyleang is ten years old and student in fourth grade at the Lotus School in Tbong Damrei village, Kampong Chamlong commune, Kampong Chamlong district, Kandal province.
Huyleang has an older brother. Her parents send her brother to live with relative in other village because of poor condition of the family. The parents do not own any farmland. Her parents hire other villager’s farmland for transplanting rice and even her house’s land is hired too. Her farmland depends on natural raining only. Her parents can gather only 5 sacks of rice’s production and quantity of one sack of rice is about 70 kilogram. After, gathering rice is her parents do not have other business because they are poor and have low education. And if there are some water in the pond they could grow vegetable for food and earn bit money. In her free time, she likes doing homework, house work, reading book, doing exercise, and fishing for daily food.
Her dream wants to be doctor because she wants to assist people in her village, and more income to support her family.
Date Posted: January 2019