To Be Selected
Leang Layhuo is a 10 years old student in 4th grade at The David and Deborah Roberts School, which is located in Ta Ream village, Tbeng commune, Kampong Svay district, and Kampong Thom province. She entered in the GBA program in 2017.
Leang Layhuo has only two sisters included her. She is the first child in the family. Her parents are farmers; they grow rice twice a year on their own farmland. The rice product that they have collected per year was from 800 kg up to 1,000 kg. In the quantity of 1,000 kg of rice, they sold out half (500 kg) to reimburse the cost of fertilizers to the shop owner and the rest keep to eat.
Layhuo narrated that besides growing rice, her father took his rest time to get the palm juice to make sugar palm to sell. Layhuo confirmed after the palm juice collected from the palm trees then her parents took two weeks more to boil and stirred the palm juice to be sticky and then they took it to sell in some nearby villages. In the present, her father takes it to sell at Centre of City of Kampong Thom for his other sellers. Layhuo added that one kilogram of sugar palm is $0.5 to 0.63 and they received for $20 to $25 of income from selling sugar palm once. However, Layhuo stated that, this income still could not support the family’s need.
Regarding Layhuo herself, she addressed, besides studying she helped her parents cook rice, take care of pigs and cows.
Updated: May, 2018