To Be Selected
Lim Reurn is 10 years old, grade 5 at Peam Khvav Primary School, located in Peam Khrav village, Dom Bokrong commune, Phom Srouch district and Kampong Speu province.
Lim Reurn has other two brothers and two sisters including her. She is the fourth child in her family. Her father’s name is Leng Suporl, 40 years old and he is a mango gatherer. He can earn 30,000 riels a day in season. Her mother’s name is Him Reun and she is 36 years old. She works as a picker mango and she can earn 30,000 riels in season. They have a farmland about 10,000 m2 for growing rice and her family takes crop yield of rice about 1,800 kg per year and they had sold for 800kg, get $200 for support their food everyday. They can earn more income during mangoes season only but even they get more income from work as a mango gatherer but it still not enough for cover on their expenses and school supplies of their child.
Lim Reurn is ao good students and she helps to explain her friend about the lesion and after school she always help her mother do house work and look after her sibling.
In future, Reurn wants to be a tour guide. She likes to travel from place to place, so she wants to be a tour guide for helping tourist for sightseeing in Cambodia and wants them know about Khmer’s culture.
Updated: May, 2018