To Be Selected
Lim Sokea is 15 years old and is in ninth grade. She lives in Phum Thmey Village, Chuom Songke, Phnom Srouch District, Kompong Spue Province. Lim Sokea is the eldest, and her family consists of two brothers and one sister.
Her father’s name is Seang Ra. He is 31 years old and is a farmer.
Her mother’s name is Sre Sobon. She is 33 years old and is a house worker.
When her father is not working on the farm, he is away spraying the mangoes for those who need them. He gets about 7.50$ per day from this job.
They have their own farmland, which is about half of a hectare used to grow rice. With this land, they can produce about 500kg to 600kg of rice per year.
Before school, Lim Sokea helps her mother prepare the house and wash dishes. When she comes home from school, she cooks lunch for everyone because her parents are out working.
Sokea likes to study in her free time and tends to be shy. Her favorite color is red and she likes to play with dogs because it makes her happy.
In the future, she wants to be a Khmer teacher because she loves the subject and wants to share her knowledge with the next generation in her village.
Updated: Jan. 2020