To Be Selected
Loek Sreylin is 12 years old and she is a student in grade 6th at Masako Sato school in Putreng village, Dakdam commune, Orang district, Mondulkiri province.
There 6 members in Sreylin’s family, she has three older brothers, two older sisters including her and her mother. Sreylin was born in a poor family and she is the youngest child in the family. Her parents was divorced many years ago since she was young and now her father has married and moved to other province with his new wife’s family since Sreylin was four years old. Sreylin’s mother is a farmer and she has owned a hectare of farmland for growing rice, which can produce 800kg of rice per year. The rice produce is hard to feed hers family, beside farm Sreylin’s mother and her older brothers do seasonal works such as planting and harvest rice, cassava, cashew day by day which can earn 20000 riels in per day for buying everyday food.
Sreyin said that, the above earning could not provide enough to the whole family. Therefore, her mother and her older brothers had a hard pursuit of income from veggies growing and raising some chicken as well to support the family.
Sreylin is a good student and she always explains the lesson to her friends. After school she helps her mother to do house work.
In future, Sreylin wants to be an English teacher. She wants to teach the children in her community to get better knowledge and easy for them to find a good job in society. Moreover, She wants to support her family to live in a better life.
Date posted: June 2018