To Be Selected
Ly Ponloeu is 17 years old. She lives in Pnov Village, Phnom Penh Commune, Kulen District, Preah Vihear Province.
She is in grade 10th. She has only 3 sisters including her and she is the youngest one in the family. Her father, Ving Ly, 54 and her mother, Hem Siem, 50 are farmers. They have only
two hectares of land farm. Per day, her family can earn about 5000 Riels (450 Dollars in a year). Moreover, she can do the farm once year because in dry season there isn’t enough water. In addition, when she has free time, she usually help her parents to earn for supporting the family.
In the future, she wants to be a teacher, because she wants to develop herself and the people around her.
Date posted: November 2018