Moa Srey Pov

Moa Srey Pov is a 14 years old, a student in 8th grade at The Yoon Soon Jung School, located in Toul Sdey village, Toul Sdey commune, Chantrea district and Svay Rieng province.
Moa Srey Pov has three siblings: a sister and a brother. She is the third child in the family. Her parents are farmer and they own one hectare of farmland where they can produce rice about 1,200 kg per year, because their land is in rain fed area. Besides the farming, they raise some chicken and ducks but just for supporting the family food, they cannot raise more to sell because of the budget constraint. Srey Pov goes school by her old bicycle and sometime, in the raining season she cannot go to school on time because the road is very difficult to travel and far distant from the school. However, she tries her best to study hard for her better future. She is a good student in class and when she has free time, she always help to explain the lesson to her classmates. After school she help her mother to do housework and other tasks.
In the future, she wants to be a teacher because she would like to share her knowledge to the poor children in her commune to get a high knowledge and have a good job. Anyways she would like to support her family to live in a better life.
Updated: March 2019