Chel Loum Ang

Chel Loum Ang is 15 years old and is a student in grade 8 at The Ang Daun Pis Village Learning Center #550, located in Korng Pisey District, Kampong Speu province, donated by the students of the Australian International School Singapore.
There are eight members in her family, two parents, two sons, and four daughters. Loum Ang is the fifth child in her family. Her father’s name is Un Kan, 56 years old. Her mother’s name is Mork Leab, 50 years old. Her parents are farmers who own a hectare of farmland, which can produce 3,000 kg of rice per year. Her parents able to sell some rice, earning 1,500,000 riels per year, these amounts used for supporting the fee of fertilizer, daily requirements,s, and their child’s studies, and the rest of the rice used as food for the family. After farming, her parents crop watermelon and cucumber. They can earn about 1,000,000 riels a time. Her family is poor; there is not enough money to support Loum Ang’s studies. Loum Ang commonly has to ride her bicycle to school which is two kilometers long from her house to school every day.
Loum Ang is a good student and daughter. She always works hard in class when she is free from her studies. She always helps her mother to do housework.
In the future, she wants to be an English teacher. She wants to teach English to the kids in the village. She would be able to support her family and help them to have the opportunity to live a better life.
Date posted: April 1, 2021