Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Mary Rathana is 15 years old, a student in 8th grade at The House of Joy and Happiness which is located in Thkeng village, Rohas commune, Rovieng district, and Preah Vihear province.

There are 8 members in Rathana’s family; grandparents, three aunts, her mother, one younger brother. She is the first child in the family. Because her parents were divorced and lived separately since 2013, Rathana and her younger brother have been living with her grandparents. Their grandparents have owned 25 meters by 45 meters for growing veggies to sell. They have raised 3 cows and 4 chickens too. Rathana informed that her grandparents have hired some plots of rice field from villager to produce rice and they can get about 1.5 tons per year.

For the above rice product her grandparents sell out 0.5 ton and got $125 as income. And the rest they keep it to support the daily consumption in the family. Even though, the income is not enough to fulfil the need of the family. Her mother and aunts have to help grow vegetables to sold at the market that they can get $5 per day from those vegetables, actually the crops are depend on the season sometimes they cannot get the product to sell.

In the future, she wants to be a teacher, because she wants to share her knowledge and education to for the younger generation in her community.

Updated: August 2018