Meon Sokhim

Meon Sokhim is 14 years old and is in the eighth grade. She lives in Thmey village, Chuon Songke commune, Kompong Speu province.
She is the second child in her family and has seven siblings: five sisters and two brothers.
Her father’s name is Hem Phal, 42 years old. He works in the Mango’s factory.
Her mother’s name is Rith Yat. She is 41 years old and works at a Mango factory with her husband.
They earn about $75 per month. They have their own farmland that is about a hectare and a half. With this land, they can produce about 800kg to 1000kg of rice per year.
Every day, she helps her mom clean the house before she goes to school. After school, she has to cook for her family.
Sokhim likes to do homework in her free time. She loves the color red and her favorite animal is a parrot.
In the future, she wants to become a Khmer literacy teacher. She also wants to buy a new house for her parents to live in the future.
Updated: Jan. 2020