To Be Selected
Mith Vayura is 10 years old and she is a student in 4th grade at the Sunnyside in Prasat village, Tong Rong commune, Prey Chhor district, Kompong Cham province.
She is the first child in the family and her mother has only her. Her mother is a widow because her mother was divorced with her husband when she was young. So her mother looks after her by herself. Her mother has only 10A length of land to cultivate the vegetables and sell to get 2.50$ to 3$ in a day. This job does not get enough money to support her family, so she needs to work for other villagers to get a pay around $5 per day for an extra income to help family and buy school supplies for her daughter.
Mith Vayura sometimes was absent from school because she helps her mother of doing house works and looking after her house and grandparents. Event she stays in a poor family, but she still has a dream to study until they finish from high school and continue to university.
In the future, she wants to be a bank staff because the bank is very standard and gets many benefit for staffs and she gets a good salary to support her family to live in a good condition.
Date Posted: April 2018