To Be Selected
Mondul Kanika is 10 years old. She is studying in 4th grade at Masako Sato school in Putreng village, Dakdam commune, Orang district, Mondulkiri province.
There are eleven members in Kanika’s family. She has five sisters, four brothers, her parents, and herself. She is the youngest child in the family and her family is really poor. Her parents are farmers. This family has very small farmland for growing rice in rainy season but the rice product that they got is not enough to support the family. Every years, her family bought rice from the villagers. Besides farming, her parents have to go out and find the seasonal labor works. In rainy season they work for neighbors such as: planting cassava, rubber, coffee, and clear farm area and do the harvest during harvesting season, which they can earn 20,000 riels in a working day. Kanika’s father said most of his children did not attending school at all, they can work they have to work to earn money to support this family. Therefore, his children help out more to get daily income through the seasonal labor works. Kanika is a clever student at school and she always helps her friends at school with explaining lesson. After school she helps her mother to do housework whatever she can help.
In the future, she wants to be a doctor, because she like this job and this is her mother’s wish for, as well in order to earn money and help her family.
Date posted: November 2018