To Be Selected
Mounh Sok Ya was born on July 15th 2004 in Lvea Village, Chey Commune, Kampong Svay District, Kampong Thom Province. She is a student in 8th grade at The Kozak Ohana School #285 or Trapaing Arak Secondary School. It is located in Trapaing Arak Village, Chey Commune, Kampong Svay District, Kampong Thom Province.
Sok Ya has 11 siblings and she is the youngest child in the family. Her father’s name is Thun Mouch and her mother’s name is Som Yan, both are farmers. Some of Sok Ya’s elder brothers and sisters have married, while some of them have moved to Phnom Penh to become factory workers, and some are still in school. The children that are working in Phnom Penh send money back to the family every month, which is about $200 in total. Additionally, the family owns one hectare of farmland that can produce up to 800kg of rice/year. As Sok Ya is the youngest child in the family she is responsible to help in the rice field and tend to household chores, which can sometimes interfere with her school attendance. However, when she is able to attend school she is a very good, hardworking student.
Date Posted: November 2018