To Be Selected
Moy Keo is a 15 years old student in 9th grade at The IROHA School #470, which is located in O Svay village, O Svay commune, Thalaborivath district, and Stung Treng province.
Keo has gotten five siblings including her. She is the third born in the family. Her parents are farmers and they have owned one hectare of farmland for growing rice. They have grown rice once a year and they could get 50 sacks at once. For one sack of rice had 50 to 60 kilograms and they sold out to the traders for half amount of the yield to reimburse to a shop owner for the cost of fertilizers that they owed during they had maintained the yield of rice.
Keo narrated that besides transplanting rice, her parents still tried to find some income from other ways in order to fill up the family’s needs so that they had tried to grow vegetables for selling. Anyhow, the revenue they earned from selling vegetables wasn’t still sufficiently supported to the family so well.
Whereas Keo, besides the schooling she had helped her parents take care of her animals and cleaned the house. At last, she felt that in the future goal she wants to be a good teacher for human of a next generation.
Updated: April, 2018