To Be Selected
Linda is 12 years old, and she is in grade 7 at The Doris Dillon School in Phnom Toch village, Sdach Kong Khang Tboung Commune, Ben Teay Meas District, Kampot province.
Linda has 3 siblings, and she is the third child in the family. Her father’ name Mr. Neak Korn mother’s name Mrs. Srey Hean, both of them are farmers. The family owns two hectare of farmland where they can earn up $450 a year from rice product. Not all the incomes are enough to support the family needed, her father has to find extra work as a construction worker to earn about 40,000 riels a day. Even those, Linda also have to help her parents to take care her siblings, help in rice field and other housework instead of coming to school regularly.
She wants to be a doctor to cure all the sick people in her rural location. She wants to save people lives.
Updated: April, 2018