To Be Selected
Ngem Phearom, she has 13 years old. She born on 12th January 2006, and she lives in Tropang Kropeu Village, Moung Riev Commune, Tbong Khmum District, Tbong Khmum Province.
She is in grade 7 at The Green Family School II #419, Located in Cheung Khal Village, Moung Riev Commune, Tbong Khmum District, Tbong Khmum Province. Phearom, has two siblings, one brother, and one sister. Phearom, is second child in the family, her father’s name’s Nguon Kosol, he is 55 years old and her mother’s name’s Phath Sarot, and she is 49 years old. Both are farmers. They have half a hectare of farmland and for rice cultivation in the rainy season. Rice products after harvest are not good, her family has received about 3 to 4 bags of rice fields because they lack
water and they are not sold and they have to Keep your daily diet. So her family must find other ways to live Plant some plants around the house. She and her parents spend a lot of money Time to find shellfish and crabs in ponds around villages for their daily meals. At school, Phearom, isn’t an outstanding student but she isn’t giving up and she keeps coming to attend Khmer, English and computer class regularly. She is a really hard learning student. Her favorite subjects are English and Khmer literature. She usually goes to the school’s library to read books when she has free time.
In the future, she wants to be a Good Khmer literature teacher, because she wants to help all students in her location.
Date posted: January 2020