To Be Selected
Nget Sreytoch is a 15 years old student in 8th grade at The IROHA School #470, which is located in O Svay village, O Svay commune, Thalaborivath district, and Stung Treng province.
Sreytoch was born in a poor family and she has gotten six siblings including her. She is the third born in the family. They have owned a small plot of farmland which produced rice’s fruit only 250kgs per year. Sreytoch pronouncedly confirmed that the 250kgs of rice haven’t sufficiently supported more members in her family so that her parents have sought by all means to be an employee and servant in order to get a little profit to feed the children according to their fate.
As for Sreytoch, sometimes she was asked to stop from school for a few days’ period in order to work with her parents for finding little income to settle the family’s needs.
For her future goal, she wishes to be a teacher of Khmer literature because she prefers to teach this subject to the kids of a next generation.
Updated: April, 2018