To Be Selected
Theara is 13 years old student in 6 grade at the Phnom Toch School in Phnom Toch village Tor Tong commune Dorng Tong district Kampot province.
Theara has 4 sisters and 2 brothers. Her parents are farmers who own 0.2 hectare of farmland for transplanting rice. Her farmland is difficult to get water to supply their farmlands so their farmland depends on natural raining only. According to these reasons so her parents can gather 5 sacks of rice’s production and a quantity of one sack of rice is about 250 kilogram. After gathering rice is completely finished, her father hasn’t still stayed at home but he went to work as seasonal workers in order to get 2,0000 riels per day to support his family.
In her free time she likes doing housework, homework and exercises, her dream she want to be a doctor because she want to earn more money to support her family.
Date posted: December, 2018