Nguon Chakriya

Nguon Chakriya is a 9 years old girl. She studies in 3rd grade at The Vasaskolan School in Angbaksey village CheangToung commune TramKak district, Takeo province.
There are five members in her family. She has two brothers. She has two brothers. She is fourth child in the family. Her parents are farmers and they transplant paddy rice yearly. Hher parents have their own small land to make the paddy but there isn’t adequate to solve their needs because of the income that they gathered up from transplanting rice is about $250 per year. Besides working in the rice field her mother works as a day laborer. Chakriya is also sometimes hired to harvest rice with these extra jobs that she can earn from $4.00 per day but it is not regular.
Date Posted: December 2017