To Be Selected
Nguy Soriya is 12 years old, grade 5 at Peam Khvav Primary School, located in Peam Khrav village, Dom Bokrong commune, Phom Srouch district and Kampong Speu province.
There are seven members in her family, parents, two bothers and 3 sisters including her. She is the fifth child in her family.
Her father’s name is Hok Nguy, 43 years old and he is a mango gatherer, he can earn 30,000 riels a day in season. Her mother’s name is Porn Choeb, 47 years old and she is a farmer. Her family has own farmland for growing rice and hey can produce the rice is about 2,800 kg per year. They had sold rice for 1800kg and get 450$ for support their living everyday and they keep some rice for daily eating in the whole year. This family is a poor family because their income is so low and they cannot cover their expense every day for a whole year. When she get summer holiday Soriya go to work with her farther as a mango gatherer and get 5$ in per day to earn more income for her family and she is a good daughter who help her parent to do house work and other tasks.
In future, Nguy Soriya wishes to become a specialized teacher of Khmer literature and English language because she prefers to teach these subjects to the kids of a next generation.
Updated: May, 2018