To Be Selected
Nhann Thongkhann, is 16 years old, a student in Grade 7 of the Phluk Secondary School, donated by Michael and Elizabeth Simmons located in Phluk Commnune, Sesan District, Stung Treng Province.
Thongkhann has three brothers and 2 sisters and she is a third child in the family. Her father name: Khul Nhann, 50 years old and her mother name: BU Loa, 44 years old, they are farmers. They have owned one hectare of farmland where they can produce 2,000 kg of rice in year, all the rice products they kept to eat in the family during a year and also those are now enough to support the whole family as well. Beside the rice season, her parents have to go out to get the labor work at different villages, during two months they both can earn about $480 to help support the need in the family and the children have to help growing vegetable around the house land for food and if sometimes the yield gave better product they can sell to for some school pocket money. Her parents also very happy to hear that her daughter got scholarship, and they would like to express gratitude to the organization and sponsors for the scholarship to their daughter, even though it is not sufficiently for the whole family’s needs, but can help to reduces their family’s expenses.
Thongkhann is a hard study girl and she promised to come to school regularly for her scholarship support and she will show to her parents the monthly supported money to her parents.
In the future, she wants to be a policewoman; beside she can get the monthly salary she also can help her community living in safe life.
Posted on: November, 2018