To Be Selected
Ni Srey Sar is 13 years old and she is in the 7thgrade at The Svay Chek Secondary School, located in Anlong Spean village, Svay Chek Commune, Romdoul District, Svay Rieng province.
Srey Sar has 3 siblings and she is the second child in the family. Her father‘s name: Mr. Sam Lat and her mother’s name: Mrs. Rous Mao, They have divorced each other and left her since she was baby. Until now, she does not know where they are living and kept her to live with her grandmother. Srey Sar’s grandmother owns one hectare of farmland in where they can earn up to $200 a year from rice product. Out of working in the farm field, her grandmother is also growing the vegetables to sell; she can earn $2 to $3 a day. From the above incomes are not enough to support the family and the study of her grandchildren. Therefore, Srey Sar usually has to miss school to help her grandmother taking care her siblings, helping in the rice and vegetable field.
She wants to be a police; she thinks that become a police could solve all the security problems for her relative in community and improve her better life.
Posted date: April, 2018