Noun Chanthy

Noun Chanthy is 12 years old and is in the seventh grade. She lives in Klab teurk krom village, Phnom srouch commune, Kompong Speu province.
She is the second child in her family and has eight siblings: four sisters and four brothers.
Her father’s name is Noun Sokeng. He is 55 years old and is a farmer.
Her mother’s name is Kim Saoran. She is 54 years old and is a farmer.
They have their farmland that is about half of a hectare. With this land, they can produce about 300kg to 500kg of rice per year. When they are not working on the farm, her parents have other work to do.
Her father and mother sometimes go to pick up the mangoes and he can earn about $7.5 per day. Their salary is about $75 per month. However, her family has to use some of that money to pay back the landowner, whom they borrow money from as well.
Every day, Chantey helps her mom prepare the house and cooks before she goes to school.
She loves to cook in her free time. She likes the color red and her favorite animal is a parrot. In the future, she wants to become a primary school teacher.
Updated: Jan.2020