To Be Selected
Ny Sovannmakara is 12 years old, and is in grade 7 at Donduong Secondary School, and she lives in Donduong village, Balang Commune, Baray District and Kampong Thom Province.
Ny Sovannmakara has 2 sisters, and she is the first child in her family. Her parents didn’t have owning farmland. Sovannmakara’s mother was seller rice in Donduong Secondary School. One day her mother earns an income around 10000 or 20000riels per day for buy rice and food and about her father works as construction worker in his village and other village for money. He gets around 20000riels a day from his work, but it is not every day. Sovannmakara’s family is very poor. She was very sad and difficult to live every day. Sovannmakara’s gets 1000riels a day for her studies and he always go to school on food. Sovannmakara is a good student in class. When on time 10 minutes break she always go to help sell her mother, and after school she look after animals and watering vegetables and small mango trees.
In the future she wants to be a teacher because she wants to share knowledge and education to the students in her community as well as help other people and she wants to support her family.
Date Posted: December 2018