To Be Selected
Oeurn Minea is a 13-year-old student in the 7th grade at The Savant School, which is located in Taney village, Choam Sangker commune, Phnom Sruoch district, and Kampong Speu province.
Minea has five members in her family, consisting of her mother, her father and three sisters, including her. Minea is the second child in the family. Minea’s mother, Mrs. Rorn Sreymom and Minea’s father, Mr. Meas Sameourn are farmers. The family owns a plot of land (25m x 35m) producing 500kg of rice per year, soley for the family’s consumption.
As the rice is not used for an income, Minea’s mother works in Phnom Penh as a factory worker, earning $250 a month. Additionally, to help support the family, Minea commonly misses school to pick mangoes and earn a small amount of income for her family.
Minea expressed her future goal as: “I want to become a factory worker because she wants to earn money to assist her family.”
Date Posted: February, 2018