Girls Be Ambitious

A program that enables girls who are unable to go to school due conditions of poverty to attend one of our rural schools and receive an education instead of having to work in the fields, do chores at home or take care of siblings.

To Be Selected

Oeurn Sam Ath is 14 years old, a student in 9th grade at The House of Joy and Happiness which is located in Thkeng village, Rohas commune, Rovieng district, and Preah Vihear province.

Sam Ath has gotten one younger sister and she is the first child in the family. Her parents are farmers. They have their own house land (25m x 40m). Sam Ath narrated according to her current living condition of her family they have grown rice by sharing villagers’ farmland and they can get about 1.5 tons rice product per year. After the rice’s yield collection her parents had sold one ton of rice and got $200 of benefit.

Sam Ath added that, although the income from selling rice, yet not enough to support their daily needs. Therefore, her father has had to seek another job to work as the construction worker and he can earn $5 per working day in order to patch up on food but it was not regularly income.

Currently, her family raises four cows, two pigs and 10 chickens. But the pigs and chickens are raised for sale and the cows are raised for helping the rice field, she said. Regarding Sam Ath, she hasn’t attended the school regularly because sometimes, her grandparents asked her to help take care of the cows at the rice field.

In the future, she wants to be a teacher, because she would like be able to get the salary and she can support her family to get a better life, most importantly she wants to share her knowledge and teach all the children to help the society and themselves.

Updated: August 2018