To Be Selected
Oeurn Yong is 16 years old. She is a student in Grade 10 at The Naohiro Nishiya School in Opork Samky village, Meanrith commune, Sondann district, Kompong Thom province.
Yong has two siblings, one sister and one brother, and she is the eldest child in family. Her parents are farmers. They have their own farm-land about one hectare but income from farming is not enough for daily expense. So they work as seasonal workers and they can earn from $2.5 to $3.75 per day. It is not regular income because they work about ten days in per month. Yong has to help her mother to do some housework and sometimes,
Yong has to work as seasonal worker with her parents to earn more money. She is study hard and She loves studying. She dreams to work in the bank in Cambodia.
Her future goal wants to be a banker, because she wants to work in a bank and, than have an occasion to get some work experience and save some money to help her family and to make her life is better than now.
Updated: April, 2018