To Be Selected
On Saroeurn is a 10-year-old student in 3rd Grade at Prasat Primary School, located at Prasat village, Prasat commune, Prey Chhor district, Kampong Cham province.
Saroeurn has three siblings. She has two sisters. She is the first child in the family. Her father’s name is Pok Samath. He’s 30 years old. He is a rubber plantation worker at Chamkar Leu district, Kompong Cham province. He could earn around $100 per month. Her mother’s name is Ngaet Sarom. She is 27 years old. She’s also a rubber plantation worker. They are living in Chamkar Leu district where they work. Her parents have no farming land. They have left their house many years. Every month they send some money to Saroeurn’s grandpa for spending for daily food.
Saroeurn’s grandpa wants her to success in her studies and get a good job so that she can afford her two sisters in the future. He will encourage her to study more. He also thanks the donor and the JRfC/WAFC very much that help support his granddaughter.
Saroeurn is living with her sisters her grandfather who is blind. She go to school by feet. After study she helps her grandfather’s housework and do some homework from school.
She commits to try to study and finish studies in the future. She wants to be a good teacher in the future so that she has enough time to share her knowledge to children in the village and could help her sisters and family.
Date posted: January, 2019