To Be Selected
Ountoch is 14 years old, student in 7th grade at the Dahlia Sam School in Roung Mashin village, Tasal commune, O’ral district, Kampong Speu province.
Ountoch has 5 sisters and 3 brothers. She is the six child in the family. She lives with her widow mother who own 4,500 m2 where they can produce rice in rainy season. Her father passed away since she was 4 years old. Her mother can gather 25 to 30 sacks of rice per year. She has elder sister who work at the province with her grandmother and she also sends some money to support the family every month. Out of farm work, her mother also accepts the labor work from villagers that she can earn about 5,000 to 10,000 riels per day to support family.
Ountoch likes to do homework, housework, help her mother takes care her young sister, feeding pig and chicken and grow some vegetable for some income.
In the future, she wants to be a teacher because she likes teaching and sharing knowledge to children. She thinks this job is honor for herself, family and her future. She loves to educate young children and earn money for support her family.
November 2018