To Be Selected
Peav Sokea is 13 years old, and in grade 7 at The Savant School in Taney village, Choam Sangkea commune, Phnom Sruoch district, Kompong Speu province.
There are seven members in her family, including her mother, sisters and brother-in-law’s, and is Sokea is the youngest child in the family. Her mother is a farmer who owns one hectare of farmland. To better support the family, Sokea’s mother also works as a seasonal worker, earning 30,000 Riels a day. Two of Sokea’s sisters and husbands work in Thailand and send home $100/month.
Sokea works hard in school, and continues her hard work when she gets home by helping her mother with housework and chores.
In the future Sokea wants to be a teacher so she can share her knowledge with the kids in her village.
Date Posted: February 2018