To Be Selected
Chantheary is 13 years old, and she is in grade 8 at The Doris Dillon School in Phnom Toch village, Sdach Kong Khang Tboung Commune, Ben Teay Meas District, Kampot province.
She is the first child in the family and she has two siblings. She is an orphan whose mother left her for long time ago; she has only father his name Mr. Lem Puong. Her father has a small house and raises two cows. Her father does not have rice field. When harvest time arrives, villagers hire her father to harvest rice then he can get paid. Because of her father’s hard work she often skips school to help her father for earning income to support family. She sometimes is absent from school to help her father’s work and looks after her young sibling.
She wants to be a police to care her people in area. She wants to show her ability that she can do it.
Updated: April, 2018