To Be Selected
Phal Reaksmey is 14 years old and is in the eighth grade. She lives in Doung village, Choum songkea commune, Kompong Speu province. She is the eldest in her family and has two siblings: one brother and one sister.
Her father’s name is Phal Moun. He is 40 years old and is a farmer.
Her mother’s name is Sorn Sarath. She is 31 years old and works at a factory.
When her father is not working at the farm, he is working as a construction farmer as part of his second job. The family earns about $500 per month but they have to give up some of it to pay back their lender whom they borrowed money from, for their family needs.
Every day, Reaksmey helps her mom harvest the rice, does housework, and goes to school. In her free time she likes to read books because by doing so, she can gain more knowledge. She loves the color red and her favorite animal is a cat because it is gentle and lovely.
In the future, she wants to become a Khmer teacher because she wants to share the knowledge to the next generation and help her family obtain a better life.
Updated: Jan. 2020