Phat Sokrim

Phat Sokrim is 14 years old, she in 7th grade at The Ang Daun Pis Village Learning Center #550, located in Korng Pisey District, Kampong Speu province.
There are four members in her family, she has two siblings and she is the first child in the family. Her father’s name is Ouk Sophea, 40 years old. Her mother’s name is Vein Narin, 42 years old. They are farmers who own 0.3 hectares of farmland for growing rice which can produce about 1,300 kg of rice per year. Her family is able to sell some of the rice, earning 8, 00,000 riels-($200) per year, these amounts used for supporting meals, fertilizer, and Sokrim’s studies, and the rest of the rice used for family daily consumption. After harvesting the rice, her mother sells a little grocery at home. Sokrim works and studies hard and, when she returns from school, she always helps her mother to do housework and other chores.
In the future, Sokrim wants to be a teacher; therefore, she can have much time to take care of her family. In somehow, she also loves to educate other children who get less education from their studies to help them to have a better future.
Date posted: April 1, 2021