Phat Somaly

Phat Somaly is 12 years old .Sh is a student a grade 7 at the Koh Rka School#383, in Chrey Tmey village,Koh Rka commune, Peam Cher Province,
Somaly has two sister,she is oldest sister in the family. Her paren are farmer, owning one hectare of farmland. The family is able to collect 2.5 tons of rice per year, If rice good,which is just enough to support the family with good per year. When the farming season is over, Somaly’s parents work as construction worker to get money for support family. Additionally, the family own has two cows for plow their rice field.
Somaly gets 1000 Riels a day for her studies, and rides her bike to school every day. Somaly is a hard worker and is always a good student in class. After school, Somaly is responsible to help her family with housework, and looking cow.
In the life future, Somaly wants to be Khmer Teacher. She can pass on knowledge to the next generation. She wants to earn an income that can better support her family.
Date Posted: December, 2018