To Be Selected
Phech Chan Resmey is 15 years old, a student in 9th grade at The Yoon Soon Jung School, located in Toulsdey village, Toulsdey commune, Chantrea district and Svay Rieng province.
Pech Chan Resmey is the only child in family. Her parents divorced. Her mother has no farmland and her own house. Because of poverty, her mother decided to leave Resmey with her aunty and grandmother since she was 4 years old. Nowadays, her mother is working as a cleaner in snooker (casino) in a salary of $150 per month in Baveth town that is far away from her house. Every day, Resmey has to get up at 4 o’clock in morning to make cakes with her aunty for selling before she leaves to school. However, the profit from selling cakes in a day cannot even feed the three meals in the family. Her mother always send her some small money that she can save from each month to support the family and her school supplies. Resmey goes to school with an old bicycle that using by the whole family. She is a good student and she works very hard because she wants to get higher education for a good job in the future.
In the future, Resmey wants to be a secretary working at the government office because she wants to achieve her prideful and to establish dignity of the family and become an important people in society.
Updated: May 2018