Pho Huor

Pho Huor is 12 years old and she is in grade 5. She is minority tribe. She studies at The Mr. and Mrs. Sak Nhep School and she lives in Chorng Ra Village Batang Commune, Lumphat District Ratanakiri Province.
Pho Huor is the second child in her family and she has got one elder sister. Her dad is farmer and he has got one home and he owns his farmland is about one hectare on his farmland during summer he plants cassava, peanut and soy bean. Her dad can harvest about 800kg of cassava, 500kg of peanut and 600kg of soy bean per year and he can sell his yield is about $500 of money and during rainy season because of rain and it is enough water so on his farm land he can plant vegetables and he can earn about $120 of money of buying vegetables. His farmland depends on natural raining only. And her mum is a housewife. She does her housework and she looks after her little son. Pho Huor is a good student in class and everyone at school knows her well because she is very friendly and she always goes to school by bike. Her home is about 2 kilometers from school. After school she helps her mum in cooking and she sometimes finds for a work near her home like picking up fruits of cashew apple to earn money for support her family as well.
In the future she wants to be a doctor because she wants to help all the people in her village, she thinks that right now hospital is so far. Additionally, she wants to help her little brother continue to study at university and her parents to live in a better life.
Date Posted : January 2021