To Be Selected
Sokkhim is 14 years old, student in 7th grade at the Dahlia Sam School in Roung Mashin Village, Tasal Commune, O’ral district, Kampong Speu Province.
Sokkhim has two brothers and two sisters. She is the first child in the family. She lives with her widow mother after her father died in 2005. Her mother is farmer who own about half hectare of farmland for producing rice in season only. Her mother working in the field alone with her farmland and sometime she gets some helping from other relatives. Her mother can gathers 20 sacks of rice production and quantity of one sack of rice is about 50 kg. But some year the rice production was less than this. Her mother can earn about 5,000 to 6,000 riels per day for support her family.
In her free time, she likes doing housework, homework, helping her mother looking after her siblings, feeding cow and during the holiday at school she always goes to help her mother cultivation. For school day, she goes to school by taking 500 riels or 1,000 riels from her mother.
In the future, she wants to be a doctor; she wants to help other sick people. She thinks that her career has good honor in the village. Besides, she wants to earn income to support her family for living in the good condition.
November 2018