To Be Selected
Phoeurn Phanna is 11 years old, she lives in Tuol Tompoung Village, Chrolorng Commune, Baray District, Kampong Thom Province. She is in the 5th grade at Tuol Andet Primary School located in Tropeang Chroneang Village, Chrolorng Commune, Baray District, Kampong Thom Province.
Phanna has 2 siblings, (2 girls), she is the first child in the family. Her father’s name is Phorn Kroeurn and her mother’s name is Sok Pheak, both of them are farmers. The family own one hectare of farmland where they can earn about $300 a year from rice products. As the income are not enough to support the family’s needs. Phanna’s father has to go on trip to be a labor worker in other district. He can earn around $6 a day by carry the sack of cements. Even with this additional income, they cannot have enough money to support the family and their children’s every day needs. Therefore, Phanna has to miss school to stay home and helps taking care her siblings or helps in the rice field and the other housework.
Phanna wants to be a teacher. she wants to shre her knowledge to the students in her commonity as well as to other literate people and she hopes to have salary to support her family.
Date posted: April, 2018