Phoeurn Srey Ynn

Srey Ynn is a 10-year-old student in 4th grade at The Grace, Hope, Beloved School, which located in Broeng Veng village, Takrasan commune, Batheay district, and Kampong Cham province.
Sreyein has gotten two siblings including her older sister in the family. Her parents are farmers and they were divorced since she was a month of age and then her mother had a second husband when she was just one year old. They own a land about 70 square meters to grow rice every year and the rice’s out put that they got each year was about 900 kgs which covered the family’s consumption in a few months from December to February.
After harvesting rice, Sreyein’s mother and the second father were hired to work at other cassava’s farm in Kampong Cham province to earn $5 a day for each. Srey expressed that, her mother sent home for $20 to work out for a weekly needs such as food, rice, medicine and for her sister’s study as well. However, her parents’ income was not enough to support her and her sister well.
After school, Sreyein always helped her sister to cook a rice and carry water to fill into the jars. Sometime her aunt gave her and her sister the food.
In her future goal’s imagination, Sreyein wants to be a teacher of English because she to keep on study at university and she also wanted to run her own grocery in their village.
Date posted: June 2018