To Be Selected
Phorn Somaly is 13 years old, grade 7 at Chrey Khmum Secondary School, located in Chrey Khmum Village, Chrey Khmum Commune, Sithor Kandal District, Prey Veng province, Cambodia.
There are two members in the family. Phorn Somaly has no any brothers or sister. She lives with her old grandmother because her parents run away from her since was young. Her father’s name is Chet Vorn, he is 32 years old and he is a farmer. Her mother’s name is Sroeung Neang, she is 30 years old, and she is a farmer, too. Her grandmother does not have any farmland for growing rice. Her grandmother earn money for support their living and her study but it still not enough for cover their expenses for the whole year. Nowadays they live in a hard situation and sometime Phorn Somaly doesn’t have money to buy school supplies but she always keep trying to go to school everyday.
After school, She always help her grandmother to do house work and when she have free time, She likes to reading the book.
In future, Phorn Somaly would like to be a teacher. She wants to improve human resources at the rural area and for helping the family.
Date posted: December, 2018