To Be Selected
Piseth Sreyneang is 19 years old. She is studying in grade 9th Kulen high school. She lives in Kulen Tbong Village, Kulen Tbong Commune, Kulen District, Preah Vihear Province. She in a single child in the family.
She is an orphanage because her parents divorced since she was a baby. She has never known them but she lives with her grandmother who is a farmer. Her family has only a half-hectare of farmland for growing rice and they can produce for 1200kg – 1300kg and they are keeping 300kg of rice for daily eating in a whole year and sold for 1000kg of rice and get 250$ for support the every food. Even they get the income from rice but it still not enough for support their whole family. She feed a small pig to earn more income to support her family. Moreover, her small family always does the farm once a year and when she has free time, she usually earns more money to support her study and other members in the family. In the future, she wants to work as a good teacher because she wants to teacher other people and her brothers and sisters as well to get more knowledge.
In the future, She wants to be a teacher because she loves this skill so much and she wants to share her knowledge to the next generation in her village. Moreover, She wants to help her family to live in a better life.
Date posted: June 2018