To Be Selected
Poeurn Vanne is 17 years old. She lives in Kra-Bao Village, Kulen Tbong Commune, Kulen District, Preah Vihear Province.
She is in grade 10th in Kulen High School. She has a brother and three sisters including her and she is the second child in the family. Her mother’s name is Theang Mom and she is 43 year old. Her father’s name is Ron Poeurn and he is 44 years old. They are farmers and they have 1.5 hectare of farmland and her parents growing rice every year only in rainy season and they can produce for 4500kg to 5000kg of rice. They are keeping for 2000kg of rice for daily eating in a whole year and sold for 3000kg, get 750$ for support their whole family in a year. Sometime the price of rice is so low and cheap and they have to borrow more money from the bank. In addition, they earn about 4000 Riels per day by cutting grass or finding wild mushroom for buying the every food. Vanne is a good student and after school she always help her mother to do house work and look after her sibling.
Date posted: June 2018