To Be Selected
Pom Sreyleav is 12 years old, she lives in Tropeang Chhouk Village, Chrolorng Commune, Baray District, Kampong Thom Province. She is in the 6th grade at Tuol Andet Primary School located in Tropeang Chroneang Village, Chrolorng Commune, Baray District, Kampong Thom Province.
Sreyleav has 3 siblings, 2 brothers and 1 sister. She is the first child in the family. Her father passed away and her mother’s name is Hao Leap. Her family has no farmland. Sreyleav’s mother commonly has to go on trip to be a labor worker in Phnom Penh city. She has to carry the sack of cements to get earn about $3 per day. The 3 siblings are living with grandfather’s house. Based on the income that her mother can earn are not enough to support their children’s every day needs and school supplies. Sreyleav knew that her mother is very tired to find money for support the family, because she is breadwinner to get the income to support family.
Sreyleav is a good students. Before and after school she always helps to do other housework.
Sreyleav wants to be a teacher. She hopes she can give her students in her community more knowledge and can have income to support their family.