To Be Selected
Pork Liza is 15 years old and she learn in grade 7th in The FordHarrison School, located in Tras village, Cheykompok commune, Prasdach district, Preyveng province.
She is second child in the big family. She has three siblings. The family has eight members; three of them are unable to speak. Her mother is a widower; she divorced twelve years ago and she never get married again. The family has one cow and ½ hectare of rice field. The harvest of rice grope is about one ton or a ton and half but can’t support family’s need to the next harvest . Her mother’s name is Vann Vunn. Right now she works in a furniture factory. She has 180$ per month but the money is too small to fill the big family’s need, so the family situation is poor. She goes to school by an old bike. Pork Liza wants to be a teacher in the future, she wants to work in local area and she can help her mother to hold family members.
Date Posted: November 2018