Preach Narin

Preach Narin is 15 years old and is in grand 7 at the Khorka Secondary school in Khorka village, Kohrka commune, Peam Cher District, Prey Veng Province.
Narin Has two brother and one sister. And see is the youngest sister in the family .her parents are farmer owing one hectare of farmland The Family is able to collect 3 tons of rice per year, If rice good which is just enough to provide the family with food per year when the farming season is over, Narin’s parent work as fisher man for make food and for sell. Additionally, the family owns has two cows for plow their rice field
Narin get 1000 Riels aday for her studies, and rides her like to school every day. Narin is a hard worker and is always a good student in class. After school, Narin is responsible to help her mother with house work and looking after the land and cow.
In th future, Narin want to be a Teacher, she wants to earn an income that can better support her family.
Date Posted: December, 2018